Haha... that's the first thing you are tought to produce in a java programming class. But programming is not my direction of study anymore. In fact, if I ever had any doubt, fashion is definitly my calling, what with getting straight A's this past semester. STRAIGHT A'S!!! It would seem that giving up my blog for nearly a month has paid off. Granted, finals was during the first week of my hiatus, but that was the beginning of the end of many things. The end of living in downtown CHicago (I now live in the burbs *tear*), the end of summer vication (I'm in summer school), and the end of free time (I have class, work and an internship downtown still - that's roughly a one hour comute each way). Now I understand how my parents could always tell me I didn't understand what tired and no time ment, and that I would have a rude awakening once I joined the real world. Today was my first day off in almost two weeks, and I gotta say... I'M EXHAUSTED! I'd like to believe it is well worth it, but until I actually make more money (crappy hours at work, a non-paid internship and paying for transportation) I won't declare it a fact.
And that was written on 6/6/11. It's been a while since then. I'm still making no money, and I'm still dog tired. Thankfully though I do occasionally make money at my internship, I'm getting more hours at work (they're still long, crappy and underpaid mind you), and my Wednesday morning classes are now complete. In two weeks I need to move out of my current house (my dad's really) and into my new one (aka my dad's new house). I still need to repack my room and get all my stuff together. This is quite alright with me though. Why? I GET A WALK-IN CLOSET!!! That's right, a big fancy closet with enough room to keep all my belongings (including the ones packed up in the basement) in my room and out of everyone's hair. People roll their eyes when I gush about it, but come on, what girl going into the fashion business doesn't want a closet that's the equivalent of half the size of her room?
Anyways, I'm sure you all want to know more about this internship, and if you didn't your gunna have to listen anyways cause I don't have a clue as to what you want me to talk about otherwise. So I intern at a furrier. Huh? It's a place where fur coats (and hats, and vest, etc.) are sold. In Fabbri Furs' case, it also happens to be where they're made. SO I'm not only learning the basic construction (in visuals and theory) of a fur coat, I'm also learning how to sell them and work with the clientele that wishes to buy them. I'm sorry if you are PETA fan, but I find my job fascinating and don't want to hear about animal cruelty. They've also go me helping to sketch and design the furs!
So yeah, let's hope I get some more time to work on my blog this summer, but I can't and won't promise anything. If anything I'll make sure to give you all an update come July. Ciao!!!
By the way, here's some fur designs that have inspired me lately:
Kind of fun right?