But it was necessary. No really, the week revolving around Labor Day and retail in general makes for a great deal of tired. On top of that I had just started a new job, so I was learning the ropes during a crazy time. This new job was gotten to replace my job at Kate Spade. A sad day when I had to give my two weeks notice, but necessary. You see Kate Spade started selling too much apparel and I was told I had to choose between them and Talbots. Seeing as I've started to do some of the merchandising at Talbots and there was a better chance of promotion at the time, I stayed with Talbots. And to compensate, but not conflict, I now work at Perry Ellis.

Perry Ellis, why does that sound familiar? Well, for those of you who don't follow men's wear I have a little story for you:
At fashion week back in the fall of 1992, the Perry Ellis S/S 1993 runway had a rather bazar show for the audience - one that wasn't well received at the time in fact. At the time a barely know designer sent an entire line of grunge inspired pieces down the runway. His name was Marc Jacobs. Yeah, Perry Ellis was
that show. Cool piece of history if I do say so myself. And on November 3rd it will be the 20th anniversary of said show, and I'm going to try and incorporate some grunge into my look if I'm working that day - that should be interesting.
So next week I will be back with a new inspiration board, but until then have a good week!