Too bad there is no cake in my hand! I tell you what, between work playing games with my schedule, school work, and outside stress from family it's not surprising I've been sleeping so much. For anyone going "Say what? Sleep?" I happen to sleep more and more when I'm over stressed; whether to escape the world or because my body just shuts down, I haven't the foggiest. So today's entry will not be me rambling so much as me showing you what makes me happy and feel less stressed. Let's begin:
Things I use with my visual merchandising class (cause noo matter how much homework I have for it, I still love it!)

Steampunk (one of my many hobbies):

This example is from the online comic
Girl Genius Snippet and Ink (A wedding blog... no I am no where near marriage, but I do love inspiration boards!)

And one hobby I keep on the DL...
EGL - Elegant Gothic Lolita

Ridiculous, but there's just something so delightful about it.
These are a few of my favorite things
And now I don't feel...
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