So I've been on an inspiration kick this past week, from inspiration boards for weddings over at Snippet & Ink (it's a bad addiction...kinda like crack!) to pictures of awesomely colored rooms captured by Damian Russell, and other pictures from hither and yon that have sparked my fancy.
Some of my favorites are as follows:
These amazing red lanterns on Purple Area

or perhaps the black butterfly chairs that are echoed in the butterfly pictures are more to your taste

For a hint of color, check out Damian Russell's gallery
Everyone loves a touch of vivid color right?
M.A.C. Cosmetics new Tartan Tale line... all the cases are plaid!!!

An oldie but goody:
I stumbled on Olivier Theyskens' blue gown a long time ago and fell head over heels in love. It was only this week, when looking for other project pictures that I ran across it again. I'm so happy!!!

Based on this weeks round of pictures and color one might think I was channeling an acid trip similar to the Yellow Submarine movie by the Beatles.

However, That's not entirely true. Over at Live Fashion I ran into this beautiful picture from Vogue Italia's Lady Grey photo shoot:

I've had an image like this stuck in my minds eye for years, and to finally see it like this had me sitting in awe for a good minute when I found it. I don't know what it is that's so amazing, but it is.

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