Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New School Year

And therefore it's once again time for me to attempt to keep up with my blogging.
Saw the time stamp for my last entry and laughed. To say the least life got busy, then it got slow, and I've been trying to find inspiration for the past month.
Now most would think that having a month off of class would give you time to blog, but here's the thing - when you are without direction you shut down. Kind of like job hunting. You get discouraged, and then you give up. At least that week before brake was productive, perhaps not so much in the blogging arena, but I walked away with a 3.8 GPA, so we're good.
Now that you've heard my excuses, it time for the fun stuff!!

Thanks to it being the dead of winter I have once again fallen in love with pictures that invoke the warmth of spring resting on the cusp of summer. And more than anything, it seems to be those times where you see those pale blues that make you think of the sky after it rains or a robin's egg invoking the feeling of peace and hope. Here are a few of my favorites, and hopefully they'll put some hope and spring warmth into your bitter, winter days.

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