Wednesday, March 2, 2011

About them Oscars...

The show itself was just ok. It was the biggest night in the industry, and something about it made me think of the kind of shows you see at high school or college: Good, but not the spectacle you expect. At least the fashion was phenomenal!
As per the nature of this blog, I would like to share some of my favs with you all:
Cate Blanchett
Anne Hathaway - particularly the Armani

Hailee Steinfeld

Helen Mirren

And the best costume was definitely Helena Bonham Carter. It looked like a renaissance princess meets goth underground. I would wear it (not to the Oscars, but...).

I also enjoyed how the mens' uniform of the year was a black tux with a black bow tie. A few deviated, but most showed up in it. And they all looked smashing!

In other news: The weather in Chi-town is magnificent!!! Too bad it's supposed to go back to crap this weekend... Oh, well.

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