Wednesday, October 26, 2011


It's apparently been awhile. Over a month in fact. Not gunna lie, I wish it was because some great tragedy had befallen me, because then I'd have a good, dramatic reason for not posting. Sadly, this is not the case. Instead the reason would be that I've been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off due to school work. By the way, if you don't have a knack for Foreign Policy, don't take it! Lordy, I fear this class might just ruin my GPA.
But enough of the excuses, time for some fun things. It was my birthday on the 23rd (Sunday for those of you that care) and one of the best presents I got was from my dad - a new coach bag/computer case. It's big and all hand brushed leather. Rather pretty really. Yes, you can say it: my dad is kinda freakin' awesome. Another cool preasent: the premier of ABC's Once Upon A Time. Who watched it? Show of hands please. Wasn't it awesome!?!? So I now share a birthday with a newly made up (Disney) fairy tale character. What's not to love? Also, if all Prince Charmings look like Josh Dallas then please, sign me up to be a sleeping princess. I sleep a lot already, does that help? I can't wait to see more - the scenery, the story, the costumes! Another reason to love Sundays ladies and gentlemen.

Jaw-dropping costumes: Go!

Why yes...
 That is a beautiful man...
 With an amazing smile...
 Wearing fitted, leather pants...
Carrying a baby... Good-bye ovaries. Also, my expectations are now way high for real -life men.

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