Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fall Collection

So, thanks to being a student in the fashion department at school, I am surrounded by FASHION. Whether it's learning how a trend cycle (for any product, not just fashion) works, how to set up a visual for a big name department store, or just discussing a favorite designer with the people around me. Because of this, and because I finally cleaned my room the other night, I came to realize that I need to come up with a focus for my fall/winter wardrobe. Will I be buying a ton of new clothes? Absolutely not! I have no room! But I do need to find something worth channeling.
Thanks to it being fall/winter, I'm wondering if I should go the androgynous/ gamin route. You know the Audrey Hepburn in Funny Face type of look , allowing me to wear my skinny jeans and structured tops with big sweatshirts without looking to mommy-ish.

Or, Should I go the route of "Dolly-Kei" as it's called, and do the more feminine, girly, layered look. I just can't make up my mind.

Then it got me thinking, why not mix it together and do the ballet routine? Could be fun... I just don't know.

Because of my indecision I decided to do something smart for once and did research. Say WHAT!?!?
As always, Ralph Lauren delivered with this awesome gypsy look that brought the two aforementioned looks together with brilliant ease.

D&G usually makes me smile, but sadly left me hanging this time around. At least the "Scandinavian ski lodge" with belted sweater dresses was delightful.

Marc Jacobs did not impress, Chanel reminded me of Yetis, Betsy Johnson, while fun, was not entirely wearable...
I'm rather depressed by the line up. The designers I look at have a certain piece-y, classic, romantic feel to them. I just wasn't feeling the romance this season. Heck, I'm ready to call it quits and ask for a miracle sex change so I can just wear men's suits. No really. No matter what, a good suit always looks AMAZING. I love the suits we sell over at Express, they have a rogue-ish sophistication about them.

But before I can wish on a shooting star Christian Dior reminds me why I enjoy being a girl:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Stressed is Dessert spelled backwards

Too bad there is no cake in my hand! I tell you what, between work playing games with my schedule, school work, and outside stress from family it's not surprising I've been sleeping so much. For anyone going "Say what? Sleep?" I happen to sleep more and more when I'm over stressed; whether to escape the world or because my body just shuts down, I haven't the foggiest. So today's entry will not be me rambling so much as me showing you what makes me happy and feel less stressed. Let's begin:

Things I use with my visual merchandising class (cause noo matter how much homework I have for it, I still love it!)

Steampunk (one of my many hobbies):

This example is from the online comic Girl Genius

Snippet and Ink (A wedding blog... no I am no where near marriage, but I do love inspiration boards!)

And one hobby I keep on the DL...

EGL - Elegant Gothic Lolita

Ridiculous, but there's just something so delightful about it.

These are a few of my favorite things
And now I don't feel
... SO BAD!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Week 2...I MADE IT!!!

For anyone wondering what is up with the title- I suck at creating new "good habits". Writing a blog once a week: good habit. Eating ice cream every time I have a clean spoon in my hand: bad habit. So yeah... I've kept up with it. Yeah me!

Earlier I was trying to decided what I was going to write about and of course I was listening to music. So what pops on my MP3 player? If I were a Rich Man from Fiddler on the Roof. How is this relevant? Easy... I went to the school job fair. And I saw my managers. So while I looked at all the tables, I ended up talking to my scheduling manager about hours... we shall see where that leads. I also dropped off a resume with a nanny agency. My friend (who I was so happy to have in town this weekend!!!) apparently can't see me taking care of children. I've baby sat for years, since I was 12, to be exact. Ah well, I would just like to be able to make more money. At least with my free transportation pass I'm saving up to $89 a month on travel fees. How nice.

Speaking of school, I have have come to realize many things in the span of a week. A) Now I remember why I hate accounting. Granted my finance class is not the same thing, but it's similar enough to make me want to bash my head in. B) My freshman level course has way too much BUSY WORK. Not class work, but written projects, and case studies. I understand needing them, but at the same time it's one of those classes that seems to forget that other classes require homework too. C) I ADORE my visual merchandising class. The teacher gets the students, and is constantly showing us things that we would normally not take a second glance at. D) My big sis is crazy. Ok, that's not a new realization, and most would say she was the sanest person alive, especially when compared with me... but still. In the end, she is probably the only family member I could ever live one-on-one with.

But I'm sure there is only so much you all want to know about my schooling so... here's my project for class:

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Time for something new...

So life has changed quite a bit for me in the past year. I've seen friends come and go. I've learned to deal with "special" co-workers. I've gone from a university, to a community college, and am now back at a new university. I have fulfilled one of my dreams (i.e. ran from Michigan screaming, and moved into a cute apartment in downtown Chicago). I also lost my mother, changed jobs, and am trying to keep my head afloat as I try to navigate the murky waters we call real life.

I can honestly say I believe in signs. Yes stop signs are among them, but what I'm talking about is those subtle signs that most refer to as "a message from GOD". Message from GOD...wouldn't it be great if he was on your phone plan and randomly texted you with inspiration? But I digress. I love music. Have it blasting in my ears at all hours. I started of my new school year with the title track from Cabaret (by accident mind you!). You know the tune:

What good is sitting alone in your room?
Come hear the music play.

It made me smile, cause guess what, I no longer have to sit in my room. I have places to go and things to do again! What ended up touching me the most though, it was completely by random to boot, as I stepped off the L to make my first trek to class a song from Gypsy came on. My mother used to sing Everything's Coming Up Roses to me and my siblings before something big happened. I couldn't help but smile because this is big, it's my first day at a new school, doing something I love, and in a sense I like to believe that my mom is there somewhere cheering me on in that theatrical way she had.

But enough of the tears!! This is the city where new experiences are expected around every corner!! Sadly the only new experiences I have is how to commute via L without too much hassle, and teacher who makes the idea of cash flow statements not seem like impending doom. But hey, it's the little things in life, right?!

Too all of you out there, whether you are in school, out of school, or sending your own diabolical offspring off to school: Have a wonderful school year!