OK, maybe not a complete "no go", but it's definitely lacking. However, I'm trying to mend this by attempting a little side mission.
MISSION: "What I Wore" DrawingsI was inspired by Viet-My Bui over
yonder, namely
these. The thought that went through my mind was: "That's fantastic!" or: "I should do this so I can finally catalog what exactly I can were in public (i.e. work)!" It really all depends on what kind of detail you believe I think with initially... Personally I tend to believe my mind is like a blue-screen on an old computer, where in the lower right hand corner you have the message : Computing...
And before you point out that I'm comparing myself to one of the most intelligent creations of the 20th century, let me remind you that a computer is only as smart as its user a.k.a. it's pretty stupid.
On top of this mighty little mission, I finally found the pattern I want to use for some sewing projects of mine. No, I'm not that amazing and can draft my own patterns; I just wish I was. But for all you people out there who question my sanity in buying costume patterns, I'm actually using one of those silly patterns. No, not one of those easy, "sexy" costumes, but this:

SAY WHAT!?!?!Technically I'm only going to be using the chemise/ shirt pattern from the girl in green, so don't freak out too much. Why? Because all I have to do is lengthen it and get rid of the lace cuff (a.k.a. not cut out the pattern piece) and
voila! I have a tunic dress for my own enjoyment. I'll be making two, actually. One that I had been planning since this summer (it had this amazing corral print), but never got around to (I didn't go to the beach as much as I hoped), and the other will be a blue, jean-like cotton fabric that I was originally going to make a romper with.
In other news: my internet is being special, I have way too much homework, and I get to go site- seeing for class today... awesome.
Also, I will hopefully post my "What I Wore" drawing from today later (sadly the others were left at home...).