Sunday, November 13, 2011

It seems like everyone is having one of those days

You know the kind. The ones where everything feels like it might be going to hell in a hand basket with a couple of good laughs along the way. I can honestly say these last few days have been like that for me. The break down is as follows:
Interview at Macy's - I don't think the woman liked me because I had given up on express, didn't look into applying at the downtown flagship store, and I didn't have Wednesday's free due to school. I felt like I was being scolded by my mother as I walked out. Not good.

6 mins later... I got into a car crash accident. I took a left turn too quickly and without pause. The other woman wanted to beat the yellow/red light. To say the least both cars were totaled, and her front bumper was Frankensteined to mine. At least the first show of frustration from my father were the words you could have been killed.

I was up at the crack of dawn (i.e. 6am in the midwest these days) so I could be down town for the FGI Career Day. Lots of fun had by all, until about 3:30pm when all of my muscle aches from the night before made themselves known. Let me tell you how not awesome it is to feel like you had an intense workout, but know you won't reap any of the benefits.

On my way to my internship I realized yesterday was my mother's 2 year anniversary. I have officially been without my mother for two years, and that kind of scares me. After that the day got crazy at the furrier. Good for business, bad for the body. I had forgotten that that was how retail should work (Express hasn't scheduled me in 5 weeks). Got home last night at 8 and promptly passed out. Woke up at 9am.

I'm hoping this next week is better. And not just for me, but for everyone.
On a good note: Lonny Magazine's Nov/Dec issue just launched the other day and I read about this new store in NY called C.Wonder. I wish we had one here! I would love to work/shop at a place like this. It's like Kate Spade meets Anthropology, and the average price tag is $40 and under.

All photos courtesy of Lonny Magazine.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

In ode to Halloween...

I love you dearly my night of fright,
I love you truly on your night of childhood delight.
Alas though my dear,
Our romance this year was not evident
or clear,
For my dog had a stroke,
and had to ignore you
as is now evident I fear.

Hope you all went hog wild and had lots of candy this year! I at least went to a party on Saturday where I was able to stay warm and look like a cute pin-up due to being a glam version of Rosie the Riveter. How was this achieved? Easy. I wore my high waisted jeans, a jean button-up shirt that I rolled to my elbows, and did pin up make-up and hair inspired by this inspiration board of mine:
The idea itself was totally yanked from this site here: What I Wore

Best part is it held up around a bonfire!
Next up for holidays: TURKEY DAY!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


It's apparently been awhile. Over a month in fact. Not gunna lie, I wish it was because some great tragedy had befallen me, because then I'd have a good, dramatic reason for not posting. Sadly, this is not the case. Instead the reason would be that I've been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off due to school work. By the way, if you don't have a knack for Foreign Policy, don't take it! Lordy, I fear this class might just ruin my GPA.
But enough of the excuses, time for some fun things. It was my birthday on the 23rd (Sunday for those of you that care) and one of the best presents I got was from my dad - a new coach bag/computer case. It's big and all hand brushed leather. Rather pretty really. Yes, you can say it: my dad is kinda freakin' awesome. Another cool preasent: the premier of ABC's Once Upon A Time. Who watched it? Show of hands please. Wasn't it awesome!?!? So I now share a birthday with a newly made up (Disney) fairy tale character. What's not to love? Also, if all Prince Charmings look like Josh Dallas then please, sign me up to be a sleeping princess. I sleep a lot already, does that help? I can't wait to see more - the scenery, the story, the costumes! Another reason to love Sundays ladies and gentlemen.

Jaw-dropping costumes: Go!

Why yes...
 That is a beautiful man...
 With an amazing smile...
 Wearing fitted, leather pants...
Carrying a baby... Good-bye ovaries. Also, my expectations are now way high for real -life men.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Grey days

I forgot how much it hurts to have that which you want taken away. Applied for an internship as a window dresser at Ralph Lauren on Michigan Ave. (a DREAM job of mine!), and a little before 9:30 this morning, right as I'm about to hop in the shower, I get the call saying that the position was filled, and not by me. I feel kind of grey and hollow now. Does anyone else feel that way? What do you do when it happens? I can definitely say that I'm very glad I don't have to work today and plaster on a fake smile. Can't do it. Not today.

Enough with the depression. Let's have some fun, shall we?!

Guess what! It's fashion "week" (has been for awhile),  and that means all the spring collections are blooming on the runways. So far the best trend I've seen: Full, high waisted skirts. The repressed Lolita lover in me is squealing with delight! There are several skirts I've been designing and wanting to make, and now I have a reason to do so. Bo-yah!
Other trends to pay attention to: Late 60's early 70's inspiration; the stars you saw on Dolce & Gabbana's fall runway? Acne's got them now!; Soft white - More ecru and white with the barest hint of pink in soft pieces like flowing dresses, blouses and pants; Easter pastels - Think childhood and ice cream here people; And a little Great Gatsby.

Here's a glimpse of some of my favorite looks and designers so far:
Antonio Berardi:


Ralph Lauren:


Marc Jacobs: 

Vivienne Westwood Red Label:

Oscar de la Renta:
Hope you all find some inspiration for this coming spring!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

So much to do...

So little time! Sorry about the last blog entry... even I will admit it was a bit forced. But enough of that. It's a new school year, and that means (hopefully) there will be far more interesting things to blog about. Even if this is more of a journal type escapade for myself.
As I said, it's a new school year and I can definitely say it should be a good year. Granted I've only had one class and nearly missed my train this morning (would've been verrrrrry bad), but I also got to start my day with the first Pumpkin Spiced Latte of the season. Woot! Plus with this AMAZING weather we are experiencing here in Chicago. I tell ya, all you need to do is start on a sure foot. Not necessarily the right one, but a sure one.
So I'm kinda sad to see summer end (bye bye sleeping in), but at the same time the last few days leading up to it have been pretty good. On Friday I got the #36 parking spot at the train station - this is a big deal because a) it's close to the platform, and b) 36 is my favorite number. Don't ask me how that works, it just does. Sunday was the start of this amazing weather, Monday I had a Labor Day dinner with my dad, his girlfriend and her family (it's way nice to meet everyone finally), yesterday I found out that someone purchased a product from my Zazzle store (I love knowing that I can create something worth buying - makes me all warm and tingly), and today is the first day of my FINAL SEMESTER!!!! That's right ladies and gentle men, it has taken five years (1 year was spent figuring shit out, thankyouverymuch), but I am finally graduating from college. Holy Shit! I'm graduating! I need a big girl job and join the real world.... I'm doomed. Okay, maybe not doomed, but it will definitely be the start of the greatest adventure of my life. And trust me, I'm no stranger to adventure. It isn't a road trip with me until you get lost and have to figure out where to go at least once.
But as I said, I might not have to start on the right foot, but I need to start on a sure one; and at this moment I'm pretty sure of what I'm doing. Wish me luck!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Long time no talk

I feel as though I'm out of the loop on many things, from this blog, to friends, to the state of the world and its affairs. I have a feeling it's because I'm about to start my final semester and still feel unprepared even though I've been busy all summer. Or maybe it's because I've been busy all summer that I feel unprepared - I haven't had time to breath and sort things out. Ah well, time to forge full steam ahead. As it is I need to finish my final semester of school (EVER!!!), find a job, and get ready to be a big girl with a big girl life. I always thought I'd be ready for it, scared - but ready. Now I'm not so sure. Technically I'm going to graduate with a degree that would allow me to manage a Walmart or an Escada store, but because the market is what it is, I'm worried that I won't be able to do anything.
So I had to go to work after I wrote that first part, but now I've got a few days off so I can write. By the way, you want a reason to kill yourself? Try leaving your keys at the train station and not realizing it till 2 AM and then realizing that the train station doesn't open till Monday. Yeah... I'm not excited.
However, it is my older sister's 26th birthday, and that is exciting. I'm also sitting on her couch and watching Independence Day and watching her get her hair done. All in all, not too bad. Now we're just waiting to go pick up the chines for dinner. YUM!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Another rainy day

Therefore another day called off of work. At this rate I will officially be living the poor college student dream! Just in time for my last semester EVER of school. Oh the irony. Ah, well, c'est la vie. I will say that with all of these days off of work I have come to do some rather "productive" things. I use the quotes because some may find what I do productive, others might not. As it is I've started to look at apartments that I could move into come January (as long as I get a job in Chicago); I've caught up on Lonny Magazine; And because of getting called off three days in a row last week, have started to run. Say what?! For those of you who don't know me by name, or even face, I'm not a runner. In fact what I've been doing is a slow have jog/ half walk routine in my neighborhood. However, I've decided that I have two/three (depends on how you wanna look at it) goals that I want to achieve with this before the start of school on September 5th. The first is that I want to be able to be able to run/jog for five minutes straight without being winded, and the second is to be a bit more flexible in the forms of being able to touch my toes and do the right leg splits. Now I could do all these things my junior year of high school, so I know I could do it again. If I don't, then I don't, but it's a goal so at least I'm gunna try!
Besides my personal life, this blog is related to fashion/inspiration, is it not? So because of this I'm going to express my love for my newest obsession: Kate Spade. Whenever I look at the stuff it kind of makes me wonder how I was not an adoring fan before now! But I'm a believer now and that's what matters. And I must say: Forgive me father for I have sinned. I'm lusting for this skirt!
Isn't it fabulous!?! It's cute, full, and has New York City (I'd prefer Chicago myself...) lights printed at the bottom. Makes you wish you had $400 to just randomly blow, right?
The other piece that I absolutely adore form this collection is there newest novel clutch:
Gotta say, this clutch would be boss to carry around. I have a few friends that don't carry purses, but just might carry this because it's Pride and Prejudice. Not to mention the script with the pen nub is just too cute. Perhaps in another life I shall be rich and will be able to afford these.
Wanna know what the best part of Kate Spade is? There is nothing on the market that I hate. There are those pieces that I love more than others, but there is no look, bag, shoe, or color scheme that I hate. It's kind of nice to finally realize that there is someone out there that caters to my taste. What's more is that I used Kate Spade as my launch point for my project for my Merchandise Management class. I created both a line and sales plan that caters to the child of a Kate Spade lover. Perhaps I'll show you all my Katie by Kate Spade line next time. I was rather proud of it. Now if only my teacher would post my grade...

P.S. This is what I want my sis' bachlorette party table(s) to look like:

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Things to do

So when you find yourself doing nothing due to having your shift called off two days in a row you tend to get things that you've been putting off done. In this case it would be cleaning/organizing my new room (no where near don, but it's getting there), updating this blog, and trying to find the best place to sell my old text books. And when procrastinating I do things like cut my bangs (once again I did them a tad short, as has been my affliction since I could hold a pair of safety scissors in preschool) and come up with a theme board for my older sister's bachelorette party. Since I'm one of the two maids of honour (my baby sister is the other) I kind of have to help plan and throw it. Should be fun, terrifying, and interesting all at once. Thankfully my sister (the bride) has some guild lines for the whole thing. Also, she originally wanted something very Kate Spade for her wedding, but toned it down for the groom. So the wedding colors are emerald, gold, black and cream: lovely. The bacholorette colors? Kelley green, lemon yellow, black and white. I love it when things are easily transformed. Thankfully my summer classes are now done so all I'm focused on is work until September - let's just hope I don't get too many more called off shifts before then!

It's gunna be awesome!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hello World!!!

Haha... that's the first thing you are tought to produce in a java programming class. But programming is not my direction of study anymore. In fact, if I ever had any doubt, fashion is definitly my calling, what with getting straight A's this past semester. STRAIGHT A'S!!! It would seem that giving up my blog for nearly a month has paid off. Granted, finals was during the first week of my hiatus, but that was the beginning of the end of many things. The end of living in downtown CHicago (I now live in the burbs *tear*), the end of summer vication (I'm in summer school), and the end of free time (I have class, work and an internship downtown still - that's roughly a one hour comute each way). Now I understand how my parents could always tell me I didn't understand what tired and no time ment, and that I would have a rude awakening once I joined the real world. Today was my first day off in almost two weeks, and I gotta say... I'M EXHAUSTED! I'd like to believe it is well worth it, but until I actually make more money (crappy hours at work, a non-paid internship and paying for transportation) I won't declare it a fact.

And that was written on 6/6/11. It's been a while since then. I'm still making no money, and I'm still dog tired. Thankfully though I do occasionally make money at my internship, I'm getting more hours at work (they're still long, crappy and underpaid mind you), and my Wednesday morning classes are now complete. In two weeks I need to move out of my current house (my dad's really) and into my new one (aka my dad's new house). I still need to repack my room and get all my stuff together. This is quite alright with me though. Why? I GET A WALK-IN CLOSET!!! That's right, a big fancy closet with enough room to keep all my belongings (including the ones packed up in the basement) in my room and out of everyone's hair. People roll their eyes when I gush about it, but come on, what girl going into the fashion business doesn't want a closet that's the equivalent of half the size of her room?

Anyways, I'm sure you all want to know more about this internship, and if you didn't your gunna have to listen anyways cause I don't have a clue as to what you want me to talk about otherwise. So I intern at a furrier. Huh? It's a place where fur coats (and hats, and vest, etc.) are sold. In Fabbri Furs' case, it also happens to be where they're made. SO I'm not only learning the basic construction (in visuals and theory) of a fur coat, I'm also learning how to sell them and work with the clientele that wishes to buy them. I'm sorry if you are PETA fan, but I find my job fascinating and don't want to hear about animal cruelty. They've also go me helping to sketch and design the furs!

So yeah, let's hope I get some more time to work on my blog this summer, but I can't and won't promise anything. If anything I'll make sure to give you all an update come July. Ciao!!!

By the way, here's some fur designs that have inspired me lately:

Kind of fun right?